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League All-Star Coaching and Player Selection Bylaws

Family Day All-Stars – Minor and Major Divisions – Each team’s players will vote for either two or three players from their team to represent at the Family Day All-Star games. As long as team numbers stay at 12 or below each team will select 3 players. The players selected will automatically be nominated for the National tournament(All-Star) at the end of the season. These players are not automatically a participant on the National Tournament team however they are nominated to be voted on by the managers at a later date.
Family Day All-Star Coaches – The first and second place managers will be the head coach of the respective teams. We encourage all head coaches to join the team on the field and participate.
Teams will be divided 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th on one side and 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th on the other side. In the case of 12 teams the 11th place team will go to one side and the 12th place team will go to the other side.
All players will play equal time or as close to it as possible. No player may pitch more than one inning. No extra innings will occur if the game is tied at completion. This is a showcase game and a tie would be great.
National Tournament Team selection – Commonly called Traveling All-Stars
Southern Little League is divided in to two geographical areas described in the boundary section on the website and managed by Little League Baseball Inc. These boundaries are strict. Each team will carry 13 players on their roster with the exception of Senior League which will carry up to 16 players.
Divisions – Minors - 9 and 10-year-old – Southern East and Southern West – In some cases 8 year olds.
                    11 year old – Southern East and Southern West – In some cases 10 year olds.
                        Majors – 11 and 12 year olds – Southern East and Southern West.
                        Juniors – 13 and 14 Year olds – Southern East/West combined.
                        Seniors – 15 and 16 year olds – Southern East/West combined

For Minors and Majors the Family Day All Stars are automatically nominated to the ballot and will be properly divided by East and West. The managers of each team will be asked if they want to nominate any additional players. The Junior League/Senior League coaches will nominate players from their team to the ballot. Once all nominations are in and ballots are sorted by East and West a meeting will be held. Each manager (coach if manager cannot attend) will have a couple of minutes to talk about his/her players and describe the players strengths etc. After that process each manager will vote for 13 players. When the ballots are tallied the top 13 vote getters will be elected to the National Tournament Team. If after the initial vote there are ties so that we cannot get to 13 the All-Star manager will sit with the directors to break the tie and finalize the roster. If the director has a son/daughter in consideration he/she will recuse themselves and another director will sit in.
Note: 10 year olds in the Major division will automatically be placed on the Minor ballot.
11 year old division – At the conclusion of the Major division selection the 11 year olds who were not elected to the Major All Star team will automatically be placed on the 11 year old ballot. The managers will be asked to nominate additional 11 year olds. The managers will then follow the same voting process to select the two 11 year old teams. NOTE: There are times with the 11 year old teams where we have to make calls to secure enough players for two teams. We will be flexible if that is the case and work with the team manager and coaches to finalize the teams. We are not allowed to combine East and West in any division Majors and below. We have already applied for and been turned down for a waiver.
In Senior League because there is no mandatory play in the National Tournament they will select 16 players. The final 3 to 4 players will be selected by the manager and directors and will most likely be pitchers and catchers. The committee will be responsible for selecting this team.
Notes: In the case of a player not being able to play for any reason the manager along with the directors will replace that player with any player in the respective division. We do ask each regular season manager to try to get a commitment from those nominated. Each All-Star player will be asked to pay an additional fee. The fee for 2018 will be $60. This fee helps to cover uniforms, umpires, balls, and tournament fees.

Selection of team Managers and coaches – The first place Manager will be given the first chance to be the manager of the All Star team. If there is a tie the directors will vote to break that tie. We will then go down the list in order of finish until all managers are selected. Coaches for the All Star teams will then be selected. The manager will have his/her choice of selecting one of his/hers regular season coaches and another manager from another team. If we have gone thru the list of managers and are still short any managers we will then go thru the list of assistant coaches in the same order as noted above.

Senior League Baseball – Due to the short season and players still playing High School Ball the manager and coaches of the Tournament team will be selected by the committee. In Senior League the committee along with the tournament manager will finalize the selection of the players.

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